Vilnius Poker is the major novel from the period of Soviet domination in Lithuania, and an important work of late 20th century European fiction. The novel was shocking when it came out, given its graphic sexual violence, but it is no more graphic than Alban Berg's opera Lulu from the 's, or William Burroughs' Naked Lunch. or Norman Mailer's American Dream/5(11). Vilnius Poker is the major novel from the period of Soviet domination in Lithuania, and an important work of late 20th century European fiction. The novel was shocking when it came out, given its graphic sexual violence, but it is no more graphic than Alban Berg's opera Lulu from the 's, or William Burroughs' Naked Lunch. or Norman Mailer's American Dream/5(9). Description. Vilnius Poker by Ričardas Gavelis. An assemblage of troubled grotesques struggle to retain identity and humanity in an alternately menacing and mysterious Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, under Soviet rule in the s and s. The late Gavelis’s first translation into English centers on Vytautas Vargalys, a semijustifiably paranoid labor camp survivor who works at a library no one visits .
Ričardas Gavelis. Vilnius Poker. Translated by Elizabeth Novickas. Rochester, NY: Open Letter Press, University of Rochester Press, , pages. " Sometimes life's time rushes along too fast. " - Vytautas Vargalys. Seven years ago I learned of the death of Ričardas Gavelis, an author I'd always considered young. Ričardas Gavelis apie kultūrą. † Ricardas Gavelis — internationales literaturfestival berlin.»You cannot escape Vilnius«. This core sentence from Ricardas Gavelis's best known novel,»Vilniaus pokeris«, published in and the cause of much controversy and discussion, could stand as a motto above the literary output of the Lithuanian narrative writer, dramatist and. Life and career. Ričardas Gavelis graduated from Druskininkai high school in In he graduated with a degree in theoretical physics from Vilnius to he worked at the physics institute of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.. From to Gavelis worked in the editorial departments of the magazines Mokslas ir gyvenimas and Pergalė; from to he.
So when Ricardas Gavelis first published Vilnius Poker in , during the height of the anti-Soviet popular movement, his morbid and ruthlessly critical portrayal of homo vilnensis came like an electric shock. Vilnius Poker is the major novel from the period of Soviet domination in Lithuania, and an important work of late 20th century European fiction. The novel was shocking when it came out, given its graphic sexual violence, but it is no more graphic than Alban Berg's opera Lulu from the 's, or William Burroughs' Naked Lunch. or Norman Mailer's American Dream. Vilnius Poker is a difficult, dense and brutal book written by Ricardas Gamelis that explores the effects of prolonged foreign oppression, both psychological and physical, upon a people and city (Vilnius, Lithuania 's's) and results in a homicide that is not fully resolved. The main character, Vytautas Vargalys, has survived the horrific, dehumanizing labor camps from the age of 17 through 28, and suffers from paranoia and hallucinations.