Big Girls Don't Cry. by. Fay Weldon. · Rating details · ratings · 21 reviews. This latest offering from critically acclaimed author Fay Weldon is a darkly comic romp through the minefields of friendship and feminism. On a balmy evening in , five women meet in /5. · Find Big Women by Fay, Weldon at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers. · Find Big Women by Fay, Weldon at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers.
Four angry young s women form a feminist publishing house in London only to find their own ambition no less virulent than men's—in Weldon's (Wicked Women, , etc.) wry and witty examination of where feminism went wrong and, occasionally, right. The sexual revolution has just begun, but Stephanie is already fed up with her marriage to antiques dealer Hamish, a suburban heartthrob who. Big Women opens with feminists putting up posters declaring that "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle", and defacing sexist posters with the words "This exploits women". But Fay Weldon. Big Girls Don't Cry. This latest offering from critically acclaimed author Fay Weldon is a darkly comic romp through the minefields of friendship and feminism. On a balmy evening in , five women meet in a cramped living room in the suburbs of London. Tired of their husbands and their own unsatisfying lives, they form the aptly named Medusa.
Find Big Women by Fay, Weldon at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers. Read “Big Women”, by Fay Weldon online on Bookmate – This latest offering from critically acclaimed author Fay Weldon is a darkly comic romp through the minefields of friendship and feminism. Big Women, written by the novelist Fay Weldon and produced by the one- time revolutionary activist, Tariq Ali, chronicles the rise of a feminist publishing house through the Seventies.