Ebook {Epub PDF} Cold Slither: and other horrors of the weird west by David J. West

 · Cold Slither and Other Horrors of the Weird West () Chapbooks. Fangs of the Dragon () Short Fiction. The Hand of Fate () Fangs of the Dragon () Garden of Legion () The Dig () Gods in Darkness () The Problem of Magick () Why Crows Steal Shiny Things () The Queen in Shadow () The Serpent's Root (). Quotes by David J. West. “But the cat—the cat represents all vices of human nature. The cat is selfish, greedy, vain; the most a cat will do for its master is allow you to pet it. Not that a cat thinks of man as its master, no sir, it’s the other way around.4/5(). An interesting mix of the old wild West with cowboys and Indians, horror and sic-fi. The hero of the book is looking to rescue a young woman, the only survivor of a mysterious massacre in pre-state era www.doorway.rus:

David J. West writes dark fantasy and weird westerns because the voices in his head won't quiet until someone else can hear them. He is a great fan of sword sorcery, ghosts and lost ruins, so of course he lives in Utah with his wife and children. Buy Cold Slither: and other horrors of the weird west by West, David J. from Amazon's Fiction Books Store. Everyday low prices on a huge range of new releases and classic fiction. One is a trend toward unreligiousness and demoralization; the other is a trend toward extreme religious, spiritual, and moral exaltation."1 Reviewing large chunks of religious and other history, including some from beyond the West and Christianity alone, Sorokin believed that he spied a general rule: that "the principal steps in the.

From Aztec snake gods to man eating thunder-birds, Cajun zombies and even an ancient vampire there isn't anything Porter won't tangle www.doorway.ru along with Porter and the brilliant damsels not-so-in-distress that lend a helping hand as he faces off against sorcery and desperadoes, myth and legend, demons and dark www.doorway.ru SLITHER is the ultimate collection of weird western tales featuring Porter Rockwell, as only the master of literary pulp, David J. West, can write him. David J. West writes dark fantasy and weird westerns because the voices in his head won’t quiet until someone else can hear them. He is a great fan of sword sorcery, ghosts and lost ruins, so of course he lives in Utah with his wife and children. Quotes by David J. West. “But the cat—the cat represents all vices of human nature. The cat is selfish, greedy, vain; the most a cat will do for its master is allow you to pet it. Not that a cat thinks of man as its master, no sir, it’s the other way around.


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