By Trevor Baxendale. Visual indication that the title is an audiobook. Listen to a Sample and no one is safe. Before long the tables will be turned. How will the Doctor survive when he becomes a prisoner of the Daleks? Featuring the Doctor as played by David Tennant in the hit BBC series, Prisoner of the Daleks is read by Nicholas. Prisoner of the Daleks is a BBC Books original novel written by Trevor Baxendale and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor without a companion and was released on 2 April , alongside. Doctor Who: Prisoner of the Daleks; By: Trevor Baxendale; Narrated by: Nicholas Briggs; Length: 6 hrs and 27 mins Original Recording Audiobook.
Trevor Baxendale is getting to be quite a name for Doctor Who books, although this is the first of his works that I've read. It certainly is one of the better written novels, nicely pacey and definitely engrossing. The Doctor's personality is very well captured and I really felt for him in places. Doctor Who: Prisoner of the Daleks: The Monster Collection Edition - Ebook written by Trevor Baxendale. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Doctor Who: Prisoner of the Daleks: The Monster Collection Edition. WHO Audio: "Prisoner of the Daleks" by Trevor Baxendale. WHO Audio: Prisoner of the Daleks by Trevor Baxendale, , Wisconsin Digital Library. An original novel and enjoyable. The Doctor is by himself when the Tardis makes a goofy landing on a abandoned planet that was once used as a refueling place for starships.
Doctor Who: Prisoner of the Daleks: The Monster Collection Edition - Ebook written by Trevor Baxendale. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Doctor Who: Prisoner of the Daleks: The Monster Collection Edition. Prisoner of the Daleks was the thirty-third novel in the BBC New Series Adventures series. It was written by Trevor Baxendale and featured the Tenth Doctor. Prisoner of the Daleks did not feature the Daleks as antagonists in print for the first time in revived-era material, beaten as it was by the Quick Reads novella, I Am a Dalek. the story involves the doctor finding himself in a time somewhen before the time war, with humans and daleks in the middle of an intergalactic war. he finds himself stranded with a group of humans who hunt daleks for a living. and they find themselves caught up in a dalek plot that places the future of the space time continuum at risk. literally.