Well, Mark Gatiss, of course. The most average Doctor Who writer of them all. And as with all things Gatiss "St. Anhony's Fire" is impossibly derivative and you have to examine it with a magnifying glass to find a single original idea. But eh, what can I say? It works and for a Gatiss story it's surprisingly gripping/5. · Long before he played Sherlock's brother Mycroft or even wrote for the TV series, Mark Gatiss wrote several Doctor Who novels, including St Anthony's Fire. · Long before he played Sherlock's brother Mycroft or even wrote for the TV series, Mark Gatiss wrote several Doctor Who novels, including St Anthony's Fire.
Mark Gatiss, though, proves an exception to the rule; his first novel, Nightshade, is a tightly disciplined, starkly beautiful novel about the themes of loss and nostalgia, while his follow-ups, St. Anthony's Fire, The Roundheads, and Last of the Gaderene, have never managed to recapture that same brilliance. Well, Mark Gatiss, of course. The most average Doctor Who writer of them all. And as with all things Gatiss "St. Anhony's Fire" is impossibly derivative and you have to examine it with a magnifying glass to find a single original idea. But eh, what can I say? It works and for a Gatiss story it's surprisingly gripping. St. Anthony's Fire is the second novel by Mark Gatiss following his brilliant Nightshade and preceding any of his television Doctor Who work. Now when I first heard Gatiss wrote a second Virgin New Adventure as I loved Nightshade and his work for Doctor Who on television has for the most part been average at the worst and pretty good at the best. So I looked forward to this novel with.
St Anthony s Fire. by Mark Gatiss. Cover Blurb. No time. They have come. They have come at last.. The Doctor and Bernice visit Betrushia, a planet famous for its beautiful ring system. They soon discover that the rain-drenched jungles are in turmoil. A vicious, genocidal war is raging between the lizard-like natives. Mark Gatiss, (born 17 October ) credited on three occasions as Sam Kisgart and once as Rondo Haxton, has been a major creative force in the production of Doctor Who fiction since the s. Given his accomplishments as a Doctor Who author, screenwriter, audio writer, audio actor, screen actor, documentary narrator, and documentary subject, his contribution to the Doctor Who franchise is. St Anthony's fire. by. Gatiss, Mark. Publication date. Topics. Doctor Who (Fictitious character), English fiction. Publisher. London: Doctor Who Bks.