Fangs of The Dragon, a must read for lovers of western contemporary fiction. As gunslingers and monsters collide in this mash up story of "modern day Samson," we follow Porter Rockwell as he does what he does best. Porter's prophetic promise to never die is challenged by a /5. David is an award winning Pulp novelist family man: In addition to his adventure historicals ~ HEROES OF THE FALLEN BLOOD OF OUR FATHERS, he has had a number of weird westerns: GARDEN OF LEGION, FANGS OF THE DRAGON, heroic fantasies: THE HAND OF FATE, WHISPERS OF THE GODDESS, SAILING TO VALHALLA, as well as horror sci-fi short stories: THE DIG, CURSE THE . · You don't want to miss this ride thru the old west. Filled with action, suspense and a good dose of humor, Fangs of the Dragon delivers! Praise for David J. West: “David J. West has created a fascinating and fun amalgam of fact and fiction,” —. Dr. Michael R. Collings.
_Chess with a Dragon, David Gerrold, pb _The Legacy of Lehr, Katherine Kurtz, pb Dec ' +The Secret of the Unicorn Queen Book 6: Moonspell, Gwen Hansen, pb _Warlock at the Wheel and Other Stories, Diana Wynne Jones, pb _The Troy Game, Jean Morris, pb +The Secret of the Unicorn Queen Book 5: The Dark Gods, Josepha Sherman, pb Jan ' Daniella M won $ in Quick Hit Ultra Pays - Sun Dragon; David L won $ in Spinata Grande Touch; Candy D won $ in Cleopatra; Sarah R won $ in China Mystery QS; Jeffery W won $ in Vegas Night Life Touch; Renee W won $ in Wild Wild Gems; Denine F won $ in Jack and the Beanstalk; Joan J won $ in Finn's. Search the world's most comprehensive index of full-text books. My library.
FANGS OF THE DRAGON by David J. West Porter Rockwell finds intrigue and strange creatures while on assignment in Logan, Utah. BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE AND THE LATE BRAM STOKER I LIE IN BED READING FROM MOSIAH CHAPTER THREE AND THINK OF YOU, LON CHANEY, JR. by Will Bishop Two poems mesh the Mormon with the monsterish. David is an award winning Pulp novelist family man: In addition to his adventure historicals ~ HEROES OF THE FALLEN BLOOD OF OUR FATHERS, he has had a number of weird westerns: GARDEN OF LEGION, FANGS OF THE DRAGON, heroic fantasies: THE HAND OF FATE, WHISPERS OF THE GODDESS, SAILING TO VALHALLA, as well as horror sci-fi short stories: THE DIG, CURSE THE CHILD, published in various anthologies. Cold Slither and Other Horrors of the Weird West () Chapbooks. Fangs of the Dragon () Short Fiction. The Hand of Fate () Fangs of the Dragon () Garden of Legion () The Dig () Gods in Darkness () The Problem of Magick () Why Crows Steal Shiny Things () The Queen in Shadow () The Serpent's Root ().