· Debut author Jenny McLachlan weaves a warm and hilarious story of friendship and dance starring the refreshing and plucky Bea Hogg in Flirty Dancing, the first book in the Ladybirds series! Bea Hogg is shy, but she has a fiery core that she doesn't let many www.doorway.ru: Square Fish. · I’m so pleased that you love Flirty Dancing. Really, it’s the best news I can get and thank you for recommending it to others. I’d also love to see a film of Flirty Dancing, probably more than any of my other books. I’d just love to see Bea transformed into an awesome dancer Fingers crossed and thank you for getting in touch!! xx JennyEstimated Reading Time: 4 mins. A warm, nuanced and hilarious story about friendship, fortitude and dancing, Flirty Dancing is book one of the Ladybirds series. Flirty Dancing is published in the UK and Commonwealth by Bloomsbury and in the USA by Feiwel and Friends. Praise for Flirty Dancing: “An absolute gem. Fresh, funny, romantic, and lighthearted Estimated Reading Time: 1 min.
Debut author Jenny McLachlan weaves a warm and hilarious story of friendship and dance starring the refreshing and plucky Bea Hogg in Flirty Dancing, the first book in the Ladybirds series! Bea Hogg is shy, but she has a fiery core that she doesn't let many see. When the nat. Flirty Dancing. By Jenny McLachlan. Published Jul Bea Hogg is shy but fiery inside. When national dance competition Starwars comes to her school looking for talent, she wants to sign up. It's just a shame her best friend agreed to enter with school super-cow Pearl Harris. Bea will fight back! But Jenny McLachlan is an author that I want to see lots more of. I love her writing style. Humor seems effortless in Flirty Dancing. I was smiling and laughing with every turn of the page. If you are looking for a Laugh out loud, flirty fun read, look no further than Flirty Dancing. It is great.
Debut author Jenny McLachlan weaves a warm and hilarious story of friendship and dance starring the refreshing and plucky Bea Hogg in Flirty Dancing, the first book in the Ladybirds series! Bea Hogg is shy, but she has a fiery core that she doesn't let many see. Flirty Dancing - Kindle edition by McLachlan, Jenny. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Flirty Dancing. Find Flirty Dancing by McLachlan, Jenny at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers.