Alex represented the farm sector at State and National level, firstly as State President of the WA Farmers Federation and serving on the National Farmers Federation executive, then through a number of Landcare and research related organisations. Alex represented the farm sector at State and National level, firstly as State President of the WA Farmers Federation and serving on the National Farmers Federation executive, then through a number of Landcare and research related organisations. · The latest author to imagine life after the flood is Alex Campbell. She spoke to tygertale about world building, playing evil overlord and how to survive on Land. Where did the idea for Land initially come from? It walked casually into my head one week in June My son was coming home from school traumatised by lessons on climate change.
Alex Campbell announced she was going to be a writer at eight years old. But no one took much notice. After a nomadic education daydreaming in back rows across Luton, Chester, London, Sheffield and Middlesbrough - and one English degree later - Alex moved into the world of PR and copywriting. Here she worked on getting other people noticed instead. A. Wood Bulldozing Ltd: Quarry Sales Road Building for Campbell River Surrounding Areas. For over 50 years, A. Wood Bulldozing Ltd has provided Campbell River with rock products, industrial road building, excavation work, and work with homeowners, building contractors, and industrial projects throughout Vancouver Island. The latest author to imagine life after the flood is Alex Campbell. She spoke to tygertale about world building, playing evil overlord and how to survive on Land. Where did the idea for Land initially come from? It walked casually into my head one week in June My son was coming home from school traumatised by lessons on climate change.
Read "Land" by Alex Campbell available from Rakuten Kobo. A tense and passionate novel about choices, obsession, destiny and power The sea rose. Civilisation was wiped out, count. Land. Campbell, Alex, author. The sea rose. Civilisation was wiped out, countries drowned. Out of the ashes of a desperate refugee camp, a new society was born, with a new place to call home: Land. Trapped by an aggressive sea, its citizens were bound to rules that saw the weak removed, marriage and children by approval only, and designated work for all. Now, living near Bath with one husband, two children and an armful of untold stories, Alex's eight-year-old self's ambition has finally been realised with the publication of her debut novel, LAND. When she's not gazing dreamily out of windows, Alex can usually be found, notebook at the ready, in dark art-house cinemas, propping up coffee bars, or worse.