· Before he wrote the bestselling Cupboards trilogy and Ashtown Burials series, N. D. Wilson delighted readers with his first unforgettable action-adventure story of survival Thomas Hammond has always lived next to Leepike Ridge, but he never imagined he might end up lost beneath it! The night Tom’s schoolteacher comes to dinner and asks Tom’s mother to marry him, Tom slips out Brand: Random House Children's Books. N. D. Wilson is the author of Leepike Ridge, a children's adventure story, and Cupboards, the first installment in a multi-world fantasy series. He enjoys high winds, milk, and night-time. He received his Masters degree from Saint John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, is the managing editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine and is also a Fellow of Literature at New Saint Andrews College/5(). FROM THE PUBLISHER: Thomas Hammond has always lived next to Leepike Ridge, but he never imagined he might end up lost beneath it! The night Tom's schoolteacher comes to dinner and asks Tom's mother to marry him, Tom slips out of the house and escapes down a nearby stream on a floating slab of packing foam. The night and stars lull Tom to sleep, and when he wakes, he has ridden his Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs.
So, I've decided to give away more than just Boxing Monkey Patches (though you can still get one by following the instructions here).Now I'll be giving away signed copies of all my books (Leepike Ridge through The Dragon's Tooth) in various drawings throughout the holiday www.doorway.ru entering the first drawing is a great deal easier than pi (which is actually quite difficult). Buy Leepike Ridge by N D Wilson online at Alibris. We have new and used copies available, in 3 editions - starting at $ Shop now. The night and stars lull Tom to sleep, and when he wakes, he has ridden his foam raft all the way to the ridge, where the stream dives underground. Flung over rapids and tossed through chasms, Tom finally hits shore, sore but alive. What Tom finds under Leepike Ridge —a dog, a flashlight, a castaway, a tomb, and buried treasure—will answer.
Before he wrote the bestselling Cupboards trilogy and Ashtown Burials series, N. D. Wilson delighted readers with his first unforgettable action-adventure story of survival #;Thomas Hammond has always lived next to Leepike Ridge, but he never. Leepike Ridge is Wilson's first published book, his second, Cupboards, is also the first in a trilogy. Having been a female my whole life, this getting beaten up and bashed about thing is still pretty alien to me as I (women in general?) try to stay out of scrapes as much as possible. Leepike Ridge is N.D. Wilson's debut novel, published in It is an adventure novel written for children. Plot. The plot of the book involves theories of Chinese (through Zheng He) and Phoenician discoveries of America. It involves a boy named Tom who, by accident, is dragged down into an underground river.