· Mad Amos Malone by Alan Dean Foster WordFire Press. Alan Dean Foster has had quite an illustrious career. His books have been in print for many decades. I'm sure you've seen a few in whatever bookshop you frequent. He also has quite an impressive number of movie novelizations under his belt. To which, he has recently made headlines on social. This is my least favorite book by Alan Dean Foster. It took me forever to finish it, despite the convenient short story format. Mad Amos Malone is just too foreign of a character to empathize. Foster doesn't allow you to get inside his head, for the sake of surprise twist endings, but it just made me not care/5. This is my least favorite book by Alan Dean Foster. It took me forever to finish it, despite the convenient short story format. Mad Amos Malone is just too foreign of a character to empathize. Foster doesn't allow you to get inside his head, for the sake of surprise twist endings, but it just made me not care/5.
Mad Amos Malone book. Read 4 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Bestselling science fiction writer Alan Dean Foster was born in New York City in , but raised mainly in California. He received a B.A. in Political Science from UCLA in , and a M.F.A. in From the prolific Alan Dean Foster, author of the Flinx series as well as numerous movie-based novels, the story of anachronistic mountain man Mad Amos Malone. Mad Amos belies his huge, gruff appearance with knowledge of the arcane and skills that go beyond that. Mad Amos|Alan Dean Foster, The Economic Interpretaion Of History (Lectures Delivered In Worcester College Hall, Oxford, )|Rogers James E. Thorold (Jam , Globalization Of Shipping And Seafaring|A. D. Lane, Irreconcilable Differences?: The Waning Of The American Jewish Love Affair With Israel (Brandeis Series In American Jewish History, Culture, And Life)|Steven T. Rosenthal.
Mad Amos Malone by Alan Dean Foster WordFire Press. Alan Dean Foster has had quite an illustrious career. His books have been in print for many decades. I'm sure you. Mad Amos Malone book. Read 4 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Bestselling science fiction writer Alan Dean Foster was born in New York City. Mad Amos is a short story collection by the American speculative fiction author Alan Dean Foster. The stories (only two of which were previously unpublished) center on the character of Amos Malone, a mountain man in the 19th century American West. Mad Amos' knowledge of the occult and the fantastic brings him and his trusty but temperamental steed, the unicorn Worthless, into various adventures.