Mari Sandoz writes beautifully and with authority about the early settling of the land that is now centered around western Nebraska and the Sand Hills. She was raised by a pioneering family from that area and wrote passionately about the days of the Indians and early white settlers in the region/5(12). Drawing heavily on materials in the Mari Sandoz Collection at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln—correspondence to and from Sandoz, her research notes, and manuscripts—and on interviews with dozens of Sandoz's friends and acquaintances, the author not only establishes the facts of Sandoz's life but confirms her standing as a writer and historian. Helen Winter Stauffer is a Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs. Mari Sandoz writes beautifully and with authority about the early settling of the land that is now centered around western Nebraska and the Sand Hills. She was raised by a pioneering family from that area and wrote passionately about the days of the Indians and early white settlers in the region/5(12).
Stauffer's biography of Mari Sandoz is the most thorough scholarly biography we have. She was able to interview the widest circle of people who knew Sandoz, including, just among the most notable, Virginia Faulkner, Eleanor Hinman, Ron Hull, John Neihardt, Caroline Sandoz Pifer, and Rudolf Sandoz was the theme for Stauffer's doctoral dissertation. Helen Winter Stauffer (), was author of Mari Sandoz and Letters of Mari Sandoz. Helen Winter Stauffer led an extraordinary life with a vibrant career. Born in South Dakota, her family moved to the Grand Island, Nebraska, area when she was a child. After graduating from Grand Island High School in , she completed a two-year degree. ['As a historian and as a novelist Mari Sandoz ({u}) stands in the front rank of western writers: in the words of John K. Hutchens, "no one in our time wrote better than the late Mari Sandoz did, or with more authority and grace, about as many aspects of the old West." This first full-length biography is particularly concerned to show the relationship between Sandoz\'s life and.
Mari Sandoz: Story Catcher of the Plains by Helen Winter Stauffer () Paperback – January 1, by Helen Winter Stauffer (Author). Invariably the name of Mari Sandoz is associated with the Great Plains and more particularly with Nebraska. As Helen Winter Stauffer's comprehensive biography, Mari Sandoz: Story Catcher of the Plains, makes clear, such an association had both its advantages and disadvantages in Sandoz's life and in her career as a writer. Like other authors who for better or worse come to be known as regional, Sandoz had to reconcile knowing her home intimately and being inspired by the "spirit" of that. Mari Sandoz: Story Catcher of the Plains by Helen Winter Stauffer. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, ,