Ebook {Epub PDF} Moss Gown by William H. Hooks

It's interesting to see how the story has been adapted for a southern American setting: the heroine's gown is made of Spanish Moss, there is a gris-gris woman, and so on. The story itself is engrossing - highly /5(5). Moss gown Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Moss gown by Hooks, William H; Carrick, Donald, ill. Publication date Topics Fairy tales, Folklore Publisher New York: Clarion Books CollectionUser Interaction Count: William H. Hooks has 52 books on Goodreads with ratings. William H. Hooks’s most popular book is Moss Gown.

Moss Gown is the tale of a Southern Cinderella from the United States. Story is well written with the illustrations reflecting the deep south-- the southern mansion instead of a castle. Swampy wooded areas and the moss gown complete the story. The two older selfish sisters flatter the old father and inherit the riches. Moss Gown - William H. Hooks When deciding upon the two additional Cinderella tales that I had to read for CRIN R21, I wanted to choose one that I was more familiar with (Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters - my next blog post!) and one that I was less familiar with. Download The Girl In The Moss Book PDF. Download full The Girl In The Moss books PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, Textbook, Mobi or read online The Girl In The Moss anytime and anywhere on any device. Get free access to the library by create an account, fast download and ads free. We cannot guarantee that every book is in the library.

Buy a cheap copy of Moss Gown book by William H. Hooks. Candace finds herself cast out of her home by jealous older sisters, but with the help of a witch woman and a magical moss gown, she captures the heart of the young. It's interesting to see how the story has been adapted for a southern American setting: the heroine's gown is made of Spanish Moss, there is a gris-gris woman, and so on. The story itself is engrossing - highly entertaining, with a very satisfactory ending - and the illustrations are lovely. A cross between Cinderella and King Lear (as the Author's Note explains) Moss Gown is about an old man who doesn't have much time left on the Earth. He calls his three daughters to him to see who he should bestow his property onto.


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