Rufferella. by. Vanessa Gill-Brown, Mandy Stanley. · Rating details · 52 ratings · 11 reviews. In this hip and expressive tale, Rufferella is a dog whose owner would like to turn her into a real girl. Their outrageous adventures are geared to teach readers to appreciate others for /5. In this hip and expressive tale, Rufferella is a dog whose owner would like to turn her into a real girl. Their outrageous adventures are geared to teach readers to appreciate others for who they are. Vanessa Gill-Brown is the author of Rufferella ( avg rating, 54 ratings, 12 reviews, published )/5(12).
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Rufferella. by. Vanessa Gill-Brown, Mandy Stanley. · Rating details · 52 ratings · 11 reviews. In this hip and expressive tale, Rufferella is a dog whose owner would like to turn her into a real girl. Their outrageous adventures are geared to teach readers to appreciate others for who they are. Full-color illustrations. RUFFERELLA. Vanessa Gill-Brown, Author, Mandy Stanley, Illustrator RUFFERELLA Vanessa Gill-Brown $ (32p) ISBN Buy this book. Amazon. Barnes Noble. Bookshop. IndieBound. Vanessa Gill-Brown is the author of Rufferella ( avg rating, 54 ratings, 12 reviews, published ).