· A training mission preparing them to face their implacible enemy against which a war rages across the galaxy. Deep in the heart of the hollowed out asteroid where their training takes place a chilling secret awaits. Ten alien bodies, frozen in time at the very moment of their violent death. The bodies are those of the ten most wanted terrorists.4/5. · Military science fiction is not a sub-genre generally associated with Doctor Who, so Ten Little Aliens was a surprising choice to represent the First Doctor in the 50th Anniversary line of novel www.doorway.run Cole is a well-established writer of tie-ins, though, and was once in charge of the entire line. Naturally, all of the writers represented by the reprints have written more than a few. ‘Ten Little Aliens’ by Stephen Cole is one of the ‘Past Doctor Adventures’ from BBC Books in ‘Doctor Who’. It was originally published in June before it got reprinted in March for the 50th anniversary of ‘Doctor Who’.Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins.
DOCTOR WHO: TEN LITTLE ALIENS by Stephen Cole. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, , 4 thoughts on " 'Ten Little Aliens' (Book) " Timelord Ap at am. Blimey Tim 5/10 your really tightening up on these ratings my friend lol. I agree with you Tim, i felt this novel a chore to finish instead of a page turning experience, the whole story i felt was jarring only thing author Stephen Cole got right were the characterizations of the Doctor, Ben Polly. Ten Little Aliens is a sci-fi mystery set in the DR. WHO universe. The main characters, besides ten human soldiers and ten dead aliens is the First Doctor with Ben and Polly. If you read my review of Stephen Cole's To The Slaughter you will know why I grabbed this book. My two problems with To The Slaughter was its speed was more fitting of a.
Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Ten Little Aliens by Stephen Cole (, Trade Paperback, Anniversary) at the best online prices at eBay!. Deep in the heart of a hollowed-out planetoid ten alien corpses are discovered, frozen in time at the moment of violent, bloody death. The bodies are those of the empire's most wanted terrorists, and their discovery could end a war of attrition devastating the galaxy. When the Doctor arrives on the planetoid with Ben and Polly, he soon scents a net tightening about them. A training mission preparing them to face their implacible enemy against which a war rages across the galaxy. Deep in the heart of the hollowed out asteroid where their training takes place a chilling secret awaits. Ten alien bodies, frozen in time at the very moment of their violent death. The bodies are those of the ten most wanted terrorists.