· The Amistad Rebellion: An Atlantic Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom. On J, the Spanish slave schooner Amistad set sail from Havana on a routine delivery of human cargo. On a moonless night, after four days at sea, the captive Africans rose up, killed the captain, and seized control of the ship/5. · In the acknowledgements of The Amistad Rebellion Rediker says that he wrote the book as a companion to his earlier book The Slave Ship. He says that after writing about the failed struggles of those enslaved and tortured within the machinery of Atlantic World commerce he wanted to write a story about successful rebellion/5(64). In this powerful and highly original account, Marcus Rediker reclaims the Amistad rebellion for its true proponents: the enslaved Africans who risked death to stake a claim for freedom. Using newly discovered evidence and featuring vividly drawn portraits of the rebels, their captors, and their abolitionist allies, Rediker reframes the story to show how a small group of courageous men fought and won an Cited by:
The Amistad rebellion: an Atlantic odyssey of slavery and freedom Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. an Atlantic odyssey of slavery and freedom by Rediker, Marcus. Publication date Topics Amistad (Schooner), Slave insurrections -- United States, Antislavery movements -- United States, Slave trade -- America. The Amistad Rebellion The Atlantic Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom. By Marcus Rediker. Buy this book. The Amistad Rebellion: An Atlantic Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom (Viking-Penguin ) The Slave Ship A Human History (Viking-Penguin ) Many Middle Passages: Forced Migration and the Making of the Modern World, ed. with Emma Christopher and Cassandra Pybus (University of California Press ) Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in.
The Amistad rebellion: an Atlantic odyssey of slavery and freedom an Atlantic odyssey of slavery and freedom by Rediker, Marcus. Publication date Topics. Marcus Rediker - The Amistad Rebellion: An Atlantic Odyssey of Slavery Freedom. Marcus Rediker has been at the forefront of historians writing social histories of the Atlantic. In recent years he has turned his attention to the history of the slave trade. His previous book The Slave Ship is an excellent examination of that appalling period, and its links with the emergence of capitalism. The Amistad Rebellion: An Atlantic Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom. On J, the Spanish slave schooner Amistad set sail from Havana on a routine delivery of human cargo. On a moonless night, after four days at sea, the captive Africans rose up, killed the captain, and seized control of the ship.