Just finished reading Ketchum’s “The Crossings”, the perfect length for a one evening read. He has his story well in hand and grips you along with it, tells it straight. The situation reminds me some of Cormac McCarthy’s border trilogy, minus McCarthy’s overarching /5(37). Just finished reading Ketchum’s “The Crossings”, the perfect length for a one evening read. He has his story well in hand and grips you along with it, tells it straight. The situation reminds me some of Cormac McCarthy’s border trilogy, minus McCarthy’s overarching /5(37). The Crossings. It’s the Arizona Territory, – the year the Mexican War ended. Fate and blazing pistols have just thrown together reporter and part-time drunk Marion T. Bell and the very nearly legendary mustang and scout John Charles Hart in the Little Fanny Saloon in the town of Gable’s Ferry. A rough place in a lawless era.
The Crossings by Jack Ketchum. Originally published by Cemetary Dance Publications, June Approx. pages. I was recently trying to make a shortlist of potential horror tales to review for Halloween season, and a friend of mine recommended Jack Ketchum. If I remember correctly, I leafed through The Girl Next Door years ago after watching. Dallas William Mayr (Novem - Janu), better known by his pen name Jack Ketchum, was an American horror fiction www.doorway.ru was the recipient of four Bram Stoker Awards and three further nominations. His novels included Off Season, Offspring, and Red, the latter two of which were adapted to www.doorway.ru , Ketchum received the World Horror Convention Grand Master Award for. Jack Ketchum is the pseudonym for a former actor, singer, teacher, literary agent, lumber salesman and soda jerk - a former flower child and baby boomer who who figures that in Elvis, dinosaurs, and horror probably saved his life. His first novel, Off Season, prompted the Village Voice to publicly scold its publisher of violent pornography.
The Woman is the powerful story of the last survivor of a feral tribe of cannibals who have been terrorizing the East Coast - from Maine into Canada - for years now. Badly wounded in a battle with police, a woman takes refuge in a cave overlooking the sea. Christopher Cleek is a slick, amoral - and unstable - country lawyer who, out hunting one. item 6 The Woman - Hardcover By Jack Ketchum - VERY GOOD 6 -The Woman - Hardcover By Jack Ketchum - VERY GOOD. $ Free shipping. item 7 THE GIRL NEXT DOOR - A NOVEL BY JACK KETCHUM (, PAPERBACK) 1st PRINTING! 7 -. THE GIRL NEXT DOOR - A NOVEL BY JACK KETCHUM (, PAPERBACK) 1st PRINTING! $ 10 bids 3d 5h. The Crossings by Jack Ketchum AZW3 azw3 | KB | English | Isbn: BVIBOO | Author: Jack Ketchum | Year: Description: It's the Arizona Territory. The year, The year the Mexican War ended.