Ebook {Epub PDF} The Golden Slipper by Darrell H.Y. Lum

Get this from a library! The golden slipper: a Vietnamese legend. [Darrell H Y Lum; Makiko Nagano] -- A variation on the Cinderella story, in which a kind-hearted young woman meets her prince with the help of animals she has befriended. The golden slipper: a Vietnamese legend Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Lum, Darrell H. Y; Nagano, Makiko, ill. Publication date Topics Folklore, Folklore Publisher [Mahwah, N.J.]: Troll Associates CollectionUser Interaction Count: Buy The Golden Slipper: A Vietnamese Legend by Darrell H Y Lum online at Alibris. We have new and used copies available, in 1 editions - starting at $ Shop www.doorway.ru Count: 7.

Buy a cheap copy of Golden Slipper - Pbk (Legends of the book by Darrell H.Y. Lum. This charming tale of a poor rice farmer's daughter reaching out to her destiny is a fascinating variation of the Cinderella story. The Legends of the World opens Free shipping over $ Darrell H. Y. Lum + Follow Similar authors to follow + + + See more recommendations Something went wrong. Please try your request again later. OK Golden Slipper - Pbk (Legends of the World) Paperback - January 1, by Lum (Author) out of 5 stars 5 ratings. See all formats and editions. The Golden Slipper: A Vietnamese Legend: Lum, Darrell H. Y, Nagano, Makiko: www.doorway.ru: Books.

The golden slipper: a Vietnamese legend by Lum, Darrell H. Y; Nagano, Makiko, illustrator. Golden slipper. There are pages missing from this book. Previews. The Golden Slipper is a variation of the classic Cinderella tale that is set in another time and location. This story takes place in the rice fields of Vietnam and its main character is named Tam. Tam, lost her mother as a young child, and her loving father remarried. The Golden Slipper: A Vietnamese Legend (Legends of the world) by Darrell H. Y. Lum. Click here for the lowest price! Turtleback, ,


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