THE IRON MAN, WITH THE ADVENTURES OF DENNIS DORGAN, Ace, October (as "Sailor Dorgan and the Jade Monkey") DENNIS DORGAN, NeO, July (French, as "The Jade Monkey") ROBERT E. HOWARD FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER V3N2, Robert E. Howard Foundation, June , (typescript, as "Sailor Costigan/Dorgan and the Jade Monkey"). The Iron Man Other Tales of the Ring is a collection of short stories about boxing by Robert E. Howard. It was first published in by Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. in an edition of 1, copies. Tags: Darrel C. Richardson / Dennis Dorgan / Robert E. Howard / Tom Foster. The Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan. THE IRON MAN, WITH THE ADVENTURES OF DENNIS DORGAN, Providence Press, April (Italian, Dennis Dorgan was changed to Steve Costigan) ROBERT E. HOWARD'S SAILOR STEVE COSTIGAN, Pulp-Lit Press, July THE COLLECTED BOXING FICTION OF ROBERT E. HOWARD: FISTS OF IRON.
Robert E. Howard. Robert Ervin Howard (22 January , Peaster, Texas - 11 June , Cross Plains, Texas), was an extraordinarily prolific and inventive writer of fiction and poetry during the s and s. Although best known as the creator of Conan, REH wrote hundreds of poems and over three hundred works of fiction in a wide range of. A MAN AND A BROTHER. words, complete story. A MAN OF PEACE. THE MAN ON THE GROUND. WEIRD TALES VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1, Popular Fiction Publishing Company, July THE DARK MAN AND OTHERS, Arkham House, HISTOIRES D'OUTRE-MONDE, Casterman, (French) THE DARK MAN AND OTHERS, Lancer, (n.d.). The Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan. More boxing stories by Howard. One of these tales was first published in The Magic Carpet Magazine in January , two others were printed posthumously in 'The Howard Collector', the remainder appear in print here for the first time. Brief introduction by Darrell C. Richardson.
The Iron Man by Robert E. Howard Zebra 1st Printing Paperback. $ The Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan Robert E Howard Sailor Pulp HC. $ THE IRON MAN, WITH THE ADVENTURES OF DENNIS DORGAN, Ace, October (as "Sailor Dorgan and the Jade Monkey") DENNIS DORGAN, NeO, July (French, as "The Jade Monkey") ROBERT E. HOWARD FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER V3N2, Robert E. Howard Foundation, June , (typescript, as "Sailor Costigan/Dorgan and the Jade Monkey"). The Iron Man Other Tales of the Ring is a collection of short stories about boxing by Robert E. Howard. It was first published in by Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. in an edition of 1, copies. Tags: Darrel C. Richardson / Dennis Dorgan / Robert E. Howard / Tom Foster. The Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan.