· Find The President's Child by Fay, Weldon at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers. · The President’s Child. by. Fay Weldon. · Rating details · ratings · 6 reviews. A chilling tale that interweaves the post-Watergate world of American politics and the way in which our past indiscretions inevitably catch up with us. Isabel Acre’s journey through life has taken her from the Australian outback via the beds and alleys of Fleet Street and the seamier side of Washington high life /5. Editions for The President’s Child: (Paperback published in ), (Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition published in Cited by: 4.
Fay Weldon is a novelist, screenwriter and cultural journalist. Her novels include 'The Life and Loves of a She-Devil', 'Puffball', 'Big Women' and 'Rhode Island Blues'. She has also published her autobiography 'Auto da Fay'. Her most recent novel was the critically acclaimed 'She May Not Leave'. She lives in Dorset. Fay Weldon's gripping novel asks the questions, Can a politician's life ever be private? And, Can the past ever stay buried? Isabel has a secret: Seven years ago, she had an affair and ended up pregnant. A few months later, she married Homer Rust, who has no idea that Jason isn't his son. Fay Weldon's gripping novel asks the questions, Can a politician's life ever be private? And, Part thriller, part love story, The President's Child exposes the secrets and lies at the heart of a marriage, the consequences of love, and how much a mother will sacrifice for her child. GENRE. Mysteries Thrillers.
The president's child by Weldon, Fay and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at www.doorway.ru The President’s Child. by. Fay Weldon. · Rating details · ratings · 6 reviews. A chilling tale that interweaves the post-Watergate world of American politics and the way in which our past indiscretions inevitably catch up with us. Isabel Acre’s journey through life has taken her from the Australian outback via the beds and alleys of Fleet Street and the seamier side of Washington high life to a comfortable home in London, a reputation as a serious jou. Publisher: Sceptre ISBN Author: Fay Weldon ISBN Title: The President's Child Item Condition: used item in a very good condition. Will be clean, not soiled or stained.