Ebook {Epub PDF} The Secret Slipper by Amanda Tero

 · Dedication | The Secret Slipper. by Amanda Tero | | Uncategorized | 3 comments “The Secret Slipper” releases just day after tomorrow!! For some reason, this release seemed longer in coming than other releases maybe because it has. Amanda Tero grew up attending a one room school with her eleven siblings—and loved it! She also fell in love with reading to the point her mom withheld her books to get her to do her chores. That love of reading turned into a love of writing YA fiction. Amanda is a music teacher by day and a literary guide by night, creating stories that /5. Being a cripple is only the beginning of Lia’s troubles. It seems as if Bioti’s goal in life is to make Lia as miserable as possible. If Lia’s purpose is to be a slave, then why did God make her a cripple? How can He make something beautiful out of her deformity? Raoul never questioned the death of his daughter until someone reports her whereabouts.

About the Tour. Welcome to the second month of the Tales of Faith 3-Month tour! For the month of June, Amanda guest posted on a dozen blogs, featuring "Befriending the Beast."This month, we're getting a deeper look into book two of the Tales of Faith series: "The Secret Slipper."Each post by Amanda is unique to the blog—an inspirational post, an article on the writing craft, an. Hello, Sign in. Account Lists Returns Orders. Cart. The Secret Slipper by Amanda Tero is a creative twist on a classic fairy tale with the Christian faith woven into it. I loved it! There were some very sad parts, but they were lightened by some ironic comedy that made me laugh out loud. And the sad parts make the ending even more sweet! I loved how this book, the second book in the Tales of.

In the second book in the Tales of Faith series, author Amanda Tero brings to life a new and fun father-daughter Cinderella story. It’s about discovering that the people that were supposedly are your step family aren’t really your family and being reunited with family where you are truly loved and wanted. Amanda Tero grew up attending a one room school with her eleven siblings—and loved it! She also fell in love with reading to the point her mom withheld her books to get her to do her chores. That love of reading turned into a love of writing YA fiction. Amanda is a music teacher by day and a literary guide by night, creating stories that. The Secret Slipper (Tales of Faith Book 2) - Kindle edition by Tero, Amanda. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Secret Slipper (Tales of Faith Book 2).


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