Ebook {Epub PDF} The Splooge Factory by Christina Springer

 · Christina Springer is an Alt. Black artist who uses text, performance, video and other visual expressions to communicate what the space between molecules in the air wish for you to know. Cave Canem shaped her voice. Her book, The Splooge Factory was released by Frayed Edge Press in November. Springer resides in Pittsburgh where she home educates her son. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for The Splooge Factory by Christina Springer (, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!  · Christina Springer is an Alt. Black artist who uses text, performance, video and other visual expressions to communicate what the space between molecules in the air wish for you to know. Cave Canem shaped her voice. Her book, The Splooge Factory was released by Frayed Edge Press in November. Springer resides in Pittsburgh where she home educates her son.

The Splooge Factory poetry by Christina Springer Right Guy, Wrong Time novel by Louise MacGregor Ambushing the Void short stories by James McAdams Stealing: A Novel in Dreams by Shelly Brivic Street Smart Series of Short Fiction for People on the Go. Christina Springer, author of The Splooge Factory, a volume of poetry published by Frayed Edge Press in November, has been interviewed by JP Howard at Mom Egg Review -- "The Best Literary Writing About Mothers and Motherhood." "This interview gives us some insights into the seventeen year process for Christina's book to reach publication. Christina Springer is an Alt. Black artist who uses text, performance, video and other visual expressions to communicate what the space between molecules in the air wish for you to know. Cave Canem shaped her voice. Her book, The Splooge Factory is forthcoming from Frayed Edge Press in November.

The Splooge Factory Frayed Edge Press released a collection of my poetry The Splooge Factory in November of So exciting! This work is almost archival in nature. The manuscript was originally written between - It was an entirely different world. We were still living in a. Christina Springer is an www.doorway.ru artist who uses text, performance, video and other visual expressions. Her fourth collection of poetry, The Splooge Factory, was released by Frayed Edge Press in November Christina Springer is an Alt. Black artist who uses text, performance, video and other visual expressions to communicate what the space between molecules in the air wish for you to know. Cave Canem shaped her voice. Her book, The Splooge Factory was released by Frayed Edge Press in November. Springer resides in Pittsburgh where she home educates her son.


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