Ebook {Epub PDF} The Unconventional Life of Haee by R.S. Vern

 · Haee is a middling cat with an unusually long and crooked tail. He leads a comfortable and sheltered life since young. Curious and fearless, he decides to venture out one day. As he dives into his adventures, Haee meets two other middlings, Tom and Jane. He begins a new life in a very much-contained world that is oddly structured.4/5(5). This is the 3rd book for award winning trilogy series “Haee and the other middlings”. Unable to find a reason to stay on, Haee leaves Whie and his banal life at Green Alley. Lost and nowhere to go, he lingers in Middling City and ventures into the back alleys in the city. The Unconventional Life of Haee Quotes Showing of 1 “An ordinary man can enjoy breakfasting on juice and rye bread. But when you are underfed, scorned, miserable or just plain bored, you don’t want to eat dull wholesome food.

More Books by R.S. Vern. Haee's quest for the greater prairie. The Unconventional Life of Haee. The unconventional life of Haee. Haee The Cat with a Crooked Tail. Haee The Cat with a crooked tail. More ways to shop: Find an Apple Store or other retailer near you. Title: Donald McGavran, His Early Life and Ministry: An Apostolic Vision for Reaching the Nations By: Vern Middleton Format: Paperback Number of Pages: Vendor: William Carey Library Publication Date: Dimensions: X X (inches) Weight: 1 pound 3 ounces ISBN: X ISBN Stock No: WW The Unconventional Life of Haee Quotes Showing of 1 "An ordinary man can enjoy breakfasting on juice and rye bread. But when you are underfed, scorned, miserable or just plain bored, you don't want to eat dull wholesome food.

In this charming illustrated book for children and adults, author R.S. Vern explores the middling lifethrough the eyes of Haee, a cat which is pretty ordinary save for itsunusually long and crooked tail. The first installment in a planned trilogy, the story sees Haeeleaving his comfy home to explore the world. Restless with the material comforts at home, Haee ventures out and meets a middling cat, Whie, in the back alley. Fascinated by Whie’s way of life and driven by a need to establish some form of discipline, Haee creates a new set of rules for all the middling cats living in the alley. The alley becomes known as “Green Alley”. This is the 3rd book for award winning trilogy series “Haee and the other middlings”. Unable to find a reason to stay on, Haee leaves Whie and his banal life at Green Alley. Lost and nowhere to go, he lingers in Middling City and ventures into the back alleys in the city.


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