Ebook {Epub PDF} The Winter Dragon by Caroline Pitcher

Samantha from Scariff Library presents a story from the wonderful picture book, The Winter Dragon, written by Caroline Pitcher and illustrated by Sophy Willi.  · With the help of a paper dragon and his own imagination, a young boy confronts his fear of the dark. Rory hates night and worries about unseen demons in the shadows of his bedroom. One winter day Rory makes a paper dragon. That night he discovers his dragon glowing in order to keep the dark away and blowing to warm his slippers and bed.  · With the help of a paper dragon and his own imagination, a young boy confronts his fear of the dark. Rory hates night and worries about unseen demons in the shadows of his bedroom. One winter day Rory makes a paper dragon. That night he discovers his dragon glowing in order to keep the dark away and blowing to warm his slippers and bed. Each night, Rory’s dragon returns to warm him .

The Winter Dragon Caroline Pitcher, Sophy Williams (illustrator) Paperback (01 Sep ) Not available for sale. Includes delivery to USA. Out of stock. The Winter Dragon comes to life to tell stories of dinosaurs and crocodiles, of knights and battles, and Rory grows brave. And as spring approaches, Rory sleeps peacefully and the Winter. Pitcher, Caroline; Williams, Sophy. Rory makes a Winter Dragon to protect him from the monsters and demons of the dark. It comes to life and tells him of volcanoes, meteorites and great burning things that will light Rory's night and keep him safe until morning. But when Spring comes and the nights get lighter, the dragon begins to long for home. The Winter Dragon Paperback - 1 Sept. by. Caroline Pitcher (Author) › Visit Amazon's Caroline Pitcher Page. See search results for this author. Caroline Pitcher (Author), Sophy Williams (Illustrator) out of 5 stars. 9 ratings. See all formats and editions.

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