A history of archaeological thought Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. A history of archaeological thought by Trigger, Bruce G. Publication date Topics Archaeology -- History, Archaeology -- Philosophy -- HistoryUser Interaction Count: Bruce G. Trigger. Cambridge University Press, - Social Science - pages. 1 Review. Examining the history of archaeology from medieval times to the present, this book places the development 1/5(1). Overview. In its original edition, Bruce Trigger's book was the first ever to examine the history of archaeological thought from medieval times to the present in world-wide perspective. Now, in this new edition, he both updates the original work and introduces new archaeological perspectives and concerns. At once stimulating and even-handed, it places the development of archaeological Brand: Cambridge University Press.
Bruce G. Trigger now joins this select company with a work of impressive scope, penetrating analysis, and welcome concern for hitherto neglected aspects of the history of archaeology. A History of Archaeological Thought is disciplinary history on a grand scale. Trigger traces the changing ways in which scholars have used material artifacts to. A history of archaeological thought Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. A history of archaeological thought by Trigger, Bruce G. Publication date Studying the history of archaeology -- Classical and other text-based archaeologies -- Antiquarianism without texts -- The beginnings of prehistoric archaeology. A History of Archaeological Thought. In its original edition, Bruce Trigger's book was the first ever to examine the history of archaeological thought from medieval times to the present in world-wide perspective. Now, in this new edition, he both updates the original work and introduces new archaeological perspectives and concerns.
A History of Archaeology Thought (Second Edition) by Bruce G. Trigger. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. ISBN (hardcover) US$ ISBN (paperback) US$ and The Archaeology of Bruce Trigger edited by Ronald F. Williamson and Michael S. Bisson. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal and Kingston. A History of Archaeological Thought is disciplinary history on a grand scale. Trigger traces the changing ways in which scholars have used material artifacts to understand the past, and his narrative stretches from the Middle Ages to the mids. Simultaneously, he discusses the unique styles of archaeology developed by Asian, Soviet, and North American scientists, as well as those developed by Europeans. A history of archaeological thought by Trigger, Bruce G. Publication date Topics Archaeology Studying the history of archaeology -- Classical and other text.