Ebook {Epub PDF} Kens Guide to the Bible by Ken Smith

"Ken's Guide to the Bible": A Critique. The tenor and scholarship of this work can be shown with a few examples, and it can be readily seen why it is not to be taken seriously -- even as a humorous attempt. While it is sometimes said that this guide is intended as a sort of joke, it remains that many Skeptics use some of its claims seriously. Ken's guide to the Bible. by. Smith, Ken, Publication date. Topics. Humour, The Bible, Humor, Religion - Biblical Studies, HUM, HUM, Biblical Criticism Interpretation - General, Religion / Bible / General, General, Bible - Criticism Interpretation - General, User Interaction Count: "Ken's Guide to the Bible" is one of the easier and more humorous ones to use as an introductory reference when debating theists. "Ken's Guide to the Bible" is kind of set up like a "Dummies" book, with various easy-reference icons used to highlight Biblical categories such as Weirdness, Bunk, Divine Wrath, and Gender Bashing/5.

Ken's Guide To The Bible|Ken Smith, The Valuation Handbook: Valuation Techniques from Today's Top Practitioners|Benton E. Gup, Word Made Flesh: Daily Readings for Advent |Caryl Green, Loneliness and Other Lovers|Ann Oosthuizen. Ken Smith does a brilliant over-view of the bible (just hitting the salacious, gory, exceptionally crazy and inconsistent parts). Starting with the Old Testament moving towards the New. He goes in the standardized order of The Holy Bible and he invites you to follow along with your own Good Book. flag. Ken Smith, co-author of the best-selling Roadside America books, goes where traditional Bible authorities fear to tread. Ken's Guide to the Bible takes you directly to the Good Book's naughty parts and wastes no time on the stuff you already know. With hammerhead precision and pig-iron wit, this compact volume lays bare all the sex, gore.

Ken Smith, co-author of the best-selling Roadside America books, goes where traditional Bible authorities fear to tread. Ken's Guide to the Bible takes you directly to the Good Book's naughty parts and wastes no time on the stuff you already know. As Ken Smith’s Ken’s Guide to the Bible proves on page after hilarious page, the Bible is an incoherent mishmash of idiocy, insanity, and unspeakable cruelty. Ken’s introductory description of the Biblical God is dead on: “Bloodthirsty and vengeful, despite the claims of New Testament writers. "Ken's Guide to the Bible" is one of the easier and more humorous ones to use as an introductory reference when debating theists. "Ken's Guide to the Bible" is kind of set up like a "Dummies" book, with various easy-reference icons used to highlight Biblical categories such as Weirdness, Bunk, Divine Wrath, and Gender Bashing.


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