King Rollo And The New Shoes, King Rollo and the Bread, King Rollo's Letter, King Rollo and the Tree, King Rollo and the New Stockings, King Rollo and t. King Rollo and the Playroom by McKee, David. Download PDF EPUB FB2. Here are four irresistible stories about the endearing King Rollo and his faithful friends Cook, the Magician, Queen Gwen and Hamlet the cat. King Rollo and the Playroom - King Rollo prefers a mess until he wants to find something specific to play with!/5(5). · Here are four irresistible stories about the endearing King Rollo and his faithful friends Cook, the Magician, Queen Gwen and Hamlet the cat. King Rollo and the Playroom - King Rollo prefers a mess until he wants to find something specific to play with! King Rollo and the Breakfast - Cook is ill in bed. Who will prepare breakfast this morning?4/5(7).
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